INMOFlash and TIENDAFlash
We have created two new applications focused on SMEs interested in selling online.
After several months of development, we offer our customers version 1.0 of INMOFlash and TIENDAFlash. INMOFlash is a web application that contemplates all the needs of the real estate company to make itself known and promote its services on the Internet. The application consists of the following modules:
INMOFlash - Website
A graphic interface that incorporates a real estate search engine.
Personalized corporate image
Contact form for clients
Corporate sections (Who we are, where we are, etc.)
INMOFlash - Administration panel
Complete property management (insert, modify, delete)
Complete management of locations and types of properties
Infinite photos per property
User management
Configuration options
Technical support
See an example of a web page with INMO Flash
TIENDAFlash is a web application that contemplates all the needs to set up an online store. The application consists of the following modules:
TIENDAFlash - Website
Graphical interface that incorporates product search engine.
Personalized corporate image.
Private customer area.
Product description with infinite images, descriptions, models, brands, etc.
Payment gateway (Paypal or bank).
Shopping cart
TIENDAFlash - Administration panel
Complete product management (insert, modify, delete).
Complete management of customers and sales.
Configuration options.
Technical support.