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Site of the year 2015

An inspiring site built with lots of love, attention to detail and patience

Site of the year 2015
10 January 2016

The Awards for design, creativity and innovation on the internet, aka AWWWARDS, have published the list of nominated projects for 2015. These awards, together with theFWA, are the maximum awards given on the Internet. You can call them the Oscars and Grammys of the Internet.

Anyway, I have a favorite and you probably have seen it before. It's called Species in Pieces. A beautiful CSS-based interactive exhibition by Bryan James.

It's a remarkable project with a technical difficulty beyond what normal people can imagine, as all the animals have been hand crafted manually and purely with CSS. I can see this type of work being recognized in future generations as an example of creative innovation.

Best of luck with that award!

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