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VueJS: first impression and how to work with SVGs

My experience with this new front-end JavaScript framework

VueJS: first impression and how to work with SVGs
13 January 2017

After a delightful year working with React, I decided to explore a new framework. I was looking at Ember (not so popular at the moment), Elm (although it's not a framework, it still lacks a lot of stuff), Angular2 (not interested to learn TypeScript yet) and Vue (gaining a lot of momentum). In the end, I choose Vue!

The first impression was very good. The Vue docs are really good and their website is so clear and helpful. Then I learned about the awesome resources, where I found a couple of boilerplates that work with Electron, which is a library from Git used to build desktop apps. Do you use the Git Atom editor or the Slack desktop app? Then you should know that those are built with Electron!

Anyway, Electron has nothing to do with Vue, but it was just a nice discovery and I wanted to share it.

The target of this article is to show you how I managed to set up SVGs with the Vue Webpack boilerplate. By the way, if you don't know that boilerplate, I encourage you to check it out. I was very impressed by its quality and its ridiculous simplicity when it comes to creating a new project. It takes just 5 lines to do it!

I intended to replicate the setup that I had with my previous React boilerplate, where I had a folder with all the SVG files and I could import them into my React components whenever I require them.

To do so, in your newly created Vue project, you need to install this Webpack loader called svg-sprite-loader. Then, in build/webpack.base.conf.js we just have to declare the new loader (line 88 to 92 approx.):

loader: 'svg-sprite?' + JSON.stringify({
    name: '[name]_[hash]',
    prefixize: true

Also, in the same file, you have to remove the svg format from line 72: test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif)(\?.*)?$/,. If we don't do it, this loader would try to load the SVG and the svg-sprite loader wouldn't do anything.

That's all we need as far as Webpack configuration. The next step is to create a new component called Icon. This component will be useful to render inline SVGs on our pages. Remember that, this is the only way we can change the colors of the SVGs using fill or stroke. If you load them as CSS backgrounds or <img> tags, then you will not be able to alter their colors.

Create a new file called Icon.vue inside your src/components folder and paste the following code:

  <svg :class="className" :width="width" :height="height">
    <use :xlink:href="glyph" />

export default {
  name: 'icon',
  props: ['className', 'glyph', 'width', 'height'],

<style scoped>
.icon {
  display: inline-block;

This is a basic implementation. You can expand it with more CSS code or props.

Finally, to load the SVGs, I'm going to show you a simple example of how to load a logo icon and a close icon for the main App component, where we have the app layout. If you haven't modified the boilerplate yet (which is unlikely), you will have an App component. If that's not the case, don't worry, this example applies to any component.

Let's see first the code and then we can review it:

  <div id="app">
    <icon width="100" height="100" :glyph="Logo"></icon>
    <icon width="100" height="100" :glyph="Close"></icon>

import Icon from './components/Icon';
import Logo from './assets/logo.svg';
import Close from './assets/close.svg';

export default {
  name: 'app',
  components: {
  data() {
    return { Logo, Close };

Whenever you want to add a new SVG to your template, you have to add code in 4 different places:

  1. Import the file from the assets folder: import Logo from './assets/logo.svg';

  2. Add the Icon component to the components object

  3. Return the imported SVG in the data function

  4. Call the Icon component and pass the appropriate props: <icon width="100" height="100" :glyph="Logo"></icon>

That's all!

If you find a better way to do this. Please let me know. Thanks.

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